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Customized Investment Plan (CIP)

CIP (Customized Investment Plan) is a  report based on the most accurate and reliable information and detailed research results we have prepared so that you can professionally act on your real estate investment in Turkey.


If you have an opinion or a region or location that you are curious about, you can get the most detailed and transparent information about everything by receiving a special report for the region. We call it Location-Based CIP.


If you know your dreams and expectations about the real estate you want to buy, we report the locations that match them. We call it Demand-Based CIP.


When you have these reports, you will have accurate data about the market, realistic interpretations. In addition, you will get some information that is not yet in the news. You will have sturdy information about the future of your investment in an understandable language. You can also consider the property options at the end. Our Brokerage unit will assist you with your purchase process.




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